Wednesday, March 12, 2008

good work keep it up ands the info is great you are good

Thursday, March 6, 2008

This bullet was found at the scene of the crime. Probably used either as a murder or a suicide attempt. The bullet appears to be in tact an still remains to be in its shell...

This picture is hooveprints of horses.
Section A: Physical Description Of Victim:

1. Name of Victim:

2. Age at the time of Death: late 20's-early 30's

3. Country of Origin: Mexico

4. Size Of Population: 325,000-15,000,000

5. Significant geographical feautures: Dirt, deserts, cactus, stones, walls: made out of sunstone

Section B: Victimms Cultural Background:

1. Languges Spoken: Nahuah

2. Description of Government:

Used to be a strong central government and recieved tribute payments/ Monarchy

3. Description of Economics System:

Farming, foods, jewlery, agricultural

4. Description of Religious Beliefs: Natural/fake gods, relegious offerings, sacrafices

Section C: Forensic Analysis:

1.List and describe all evidence used:
1. wash clothe( before used white, after the crime brown)
2. Maps( where the crime scene took place)
3. bullets( 2 regular, 1 red)
4. spanish letter writting( to tell why the crime took place, or how the person was killed

2. List and describe any possible suspects:

1.Dirty wash clothe maybe used to clean the object that maybe killed the victim.
2. Maps: maybe used to show where the person lived or wher he/she was killed
3. crumble paper : letter written in spanish probable to show the purpose of the inncident or telling why the person was killed.

3.Explain significance of each piece of evidence:

Involes guns, horses( animal footprints), bullets, spanish and Aztecs people.

Section D: Witness Interviews

1. Describe all sources used:
1.Art work
3. Maps
4. Spanish Letter
5. Friends

2. Who created sources:
1. Internet
2. Mr.Brown
3. MS.Goldberg

3. Dates of testimony:

4 State significance of each witness along with specific details of testimony:

Section E: Conclusions:

1. Casue of death: It was a a homicide.

2.Explain casue of death: the cause of this death was that the victim was killed because he gave himself as a sacrafice or was killed in a war.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This seems to be a bullet capsul or a tube to hold something that could have killed the victim.

This picture was taken at the scene of the scene of the crime after the victim was found. So far the cause of this death could be by suicide, murder, or Natural causes.